Career Counseling
Career Counseling Services from Vocational Concepts

Basic Career Counseling
The system includes interest, work value assessments and ability testing. This assessment provides an all-in-one format for work clusters and individual occupations based on the three assessments. The format provides information on National State and Metropolitan Wages, Occupational Demand, associations for certification, and educational attainment needed for the selected occupation. We also include a brief intake of your work history and lifestyle so that we can discuss what occupations you are most suited to and meet your needs. This system can be referenced as long as you like. We have two systems available one for entry level and one for college graduates changing careers mid-life. The basic includes a one hour zoom appointment to discuss your results.
The basic career counseling package includes interest, work value assessments and ability testing. This assessment provides an all-in-one format for work clusters and individual occupations based on the three assessments. The format provides information on National State and Metropolitan Wages, Occupational Demand, associations for certification, and educational attainment needed for the selected occupation. We also include a brief intake of your work history and lifestyle so that we can discuss what occupations you are most suited to and meet your needs. This package can be referenced as long as you like.
Premium Career Counseling
This package includes everything in the basic plan plus additional testing and face time counseling. Additional testing includes academic testing TABE/or WRAT depending on your academic level, IQ testing, and a personality assessment to include into the occupational choices you would be suited. We will narrow down several occupations that you can consider along with the local Vocational schools or colleges that have this training. Includes two and a half hours of facetime to interpret your results and discuss your occupational choices. This package is for those wanting. The premium package is for those needing a solid career goal.

Platinum Career Counseling
This career counseling package includes all services at the basic and premium levels and is designed for those needing additional services.
Additional services may include accommodations in the school or workplace, specialized testing to determine accommodations needed, and/or personality assessment for those who may have problematic or abnormal conditions that may need to be documented for accommodation and treatment.
This package could also be used for return to work after an injury. Counselors can look at transferable skills from previous employment to provide you lists of other occupations which you may enter and where to find funding and training for these services.
This package is for those who may be wanting to attend a university and have no specific career goals. The platinum package is for those planning to attend a university and needing to narrow down their career goal.
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